A running rant about bad television, crappy products, horrible service, mindless politics, corporate and government ineptitude, moronic media, marketing overload, public idiocy, stupid entertainment, etc. Here's what's annoying me today:


I hope he checked with Katie

White House spokeman Tony Snow was just diagnosed with a recurrence of Cancer that doesn't sound too good. I wish him well. He's got the toughest job in America, as chief spokeman for The Idiot. I just hope he has checked in with Katie Couric before making any career or family decisions. If you saw the interview with John & Elizabeth Edwards, you know it's now Katie's job to decide what is appropriate behavior and what people should think.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like he is saying, "and her boobs weere THIS BIG!" I wonder if Katie will give him the pass that she gave the Edwards this week?!

2:37 PM

Blogger Fadi said...

I added this story to my social bookmarking website for all things that suck http://www.allthingsthatsuck.com

11:17 AM

Blogger smartgists.com said...

Hey, surely these things do suck!

5:04 PM


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