Top 10 Things that Suck
- 1. George Bush
- 2. Nancy Grace
- 3. Local television news
- 4. Bastardized pop songs
- 5. Public school rules
- 6. Too many kinds of toothpaste
- 7. Politicians in rehab
- 8. Disposable everything
- 9. Packaging
- X. OJ Simpson
Top 10 Incoming Searches
- 1. maria stephonos in fat suit
- 2. rita cosby whats with her voice
- 3. Why are people from Boston assholes?
- 4. Worst local television newscast
- 5. crappiest toy
- 6. how to correctly make a martini
- 7. fox 25 maria stephanos sex scandal
- 8. Curt Shilling massachusetts republican 2008
- 9. michael graham wtkk sucks
- 10. jay severin hooker
- advertising
- architecture
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- boston
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Shrines to suckiness
- Museum of Bad Album Covers
- Museum of Bad Art
- Museum of Hoaxes
- Jib-Jab:This Land
- Jump the Shark
- Kerry Haters for Kerry
- Scary Personals
- Too Stupid to be President Worst Songs Ever
Things That DON'T Suck
- Burton Snowboards
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Dazed and Confused
- Fountains of Wayne
- The Ipod
- KEXP radio
- Last-FM
- David Letterman
- Luna
- Netflix
- New England Patriots
- Keith Olbermann
- The Office
- The Replacements
- The Simpsons
- U.S. Snowboarding Team
- John Stewart
- Vanguard Investments
Blogs that link here
- Universal Hub
- Designers Who Blog
- The Persuader
- Boston Radio Blog
- Puce Attack
- Bill's Blog
- Exclaimation Point
- Media Orchard
- Adland
- The Zehnkatzen Times
- Accounts of Senator Squid
- Impeach Bush Coalition
- Written Inc.
- Fordee
- Politics Rocks
- Toast and Politics
- Uncomfortably Numb
- My Life Using Plan B
Other good blogs
- Boston Dirt Dogs
- Copyranter
- Crooks and Liars
- Huffington Post
- MediaBistro
- Media Nation
- TVNewser
- Unbeige
- zefrank
Guilty Pleasures
Previous Posts
- There they go again
- Just What I Needed (Not!)
- Stupid Naming Rights
- The Frontline Guy Sells Out
- Far from "Fantastic"
- You Call This RAPID Transit?
- Hosed again!
- Too busy to Blog
- Contractors Suck
- What we've got here is failure to communicate

He used to be good. Did you see the Ortiz walk off homer earlier today? As awesome as it gets!
9:49 PM
Yes, that was awesome. Then Faulk again blew any chance of a comeback in game 2.
9:25 AM
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